I began creating my own performance pieces in 1993, firstly in a collaboration with visual artist, Anna Marie Cobbold (1951-199?). She was creating a series of paintings which explored Paternal Patterns, through a set of china dishes that belonged to her father. Alongside this ,I created my own work called “Quiet Mix’. It consisted of a collage of readings, stories and songs, some improvised some set with computed music by Daniel Scheidt. Martin Bartlet died that night. My husband and I heard Martin’s voice come out of Daniel Scheidt’s mouth while he was sleeping just feet away from us.
Something was born in me through that process that has led me to continue creating works. One such work is Gargoyles and Angels, a modern miracle or passion play in 9 acts, creating original music as well as medieavale madrigal, new canadain work, stories of Saint Blaise, Agatha and Doroth. This was created through daily ritual practise with dance/theatre artists Treena Stuble and Celine Stuble.
Most recently created, and premiered at the Voice ++Festival, is ‘medicinAL LullabYE’, scripted and scored for myself, computer, amplified chinese medicine cabinet, singing bowls, bells, ukulele, shakers and original sound file by Italian percussionist, Biagio Fran’cia.
In 2002 I was comissioned by the Art Gallery of Greater Victoira to create a sound visual installation as part of their LAB series. The result was ‘Sanctuary: an Opera menagerie in 3 acts, (filmic, audio and installtion by way of a no mad shrine.) This exhibition ran seven weeks, two of the weeks were an extension.
In June of 2009, I travelled to Salerno. Italy to join visual artist and friend Brigitte Potter-Mael, whom I then introduced to Biagio Francia, whom I met in Second Life during my work with the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse one year prior. Concieved by Potter-Mael, we created and presented an interactive work called ‘the gardens sing and speak through us’ in the medievale medicinal “Giardino della Minerva”.
In November, Brigitte and I teamed up once again during her exhibiton at the the First Lutheran Church in Vancouver. Giving voice to her work, I gave a vocal workshop and worked with the Sunday school children to create a ritual performance, very simple and interactive, which we presented at the conclusion of the ‘Last Sunday’ service. This proved to be a very exciting and satisfying project.
I am at present working with LaSaM on the Beethoven project directed by Dylan Robinson and Tina Pearson and I am currently employed as music director, vocal coach, pianist and soldier for David Ferguson’s play ‘Agnes’, being presented at the Belfry Theatre, March 9 – 14, 2010. Check website for further information.